17 Secrets to Instagram Success. Huffpost

If you have ever wished you could get insider advice from one of the most successful IG accounts in the “inspirational” space, then look no further.

For the first time ever, social media influencer Taif Haidar is delivering you the exact secrets that he used to grow his Instagram account @secrets2success (https://www.instagram.com/secrets2success/) to over 1.2 million followers in his new ebook 17 Secrets to Instagram Success.

If that weren’t enough, he has also mastered how to monetize IG to over $100,000/year. At the age of 25, this has allowed him to live an incredible life, traveling the world and working just a few hours per day.  

The beauty of this new ebook is how simple and easy it is to follow – just 17 action-packed pages, and a bonus page, which includes an invitation to a private Facebook group! 

If you are ready to boost your followers, start your business on Instagram and learn more about the person behind the page, this is the book.

Priced at just $17, you can’t beat the value.

Instantly, you can take what you’ve learned and apply it to your own social media, not just Instagram. 

Unlocking some of the secrets:

#3 – In this chapter, Taif emphasizes the importance of getting to know your target group by asking questions such as “Who do I want to serve?” or “What problem do I want to help them solve?” He further breaks down the analysis and observations he made in his own pursuit of searching for the secrets to success, including reading books, watching documentaries, etc.

#4 – Another great piece of advice comes from chapter 4, where Taif talks about limiting your posts to only things that truly move you while resonating deeply with your target audience. I know many people feel that they consistently have to post something at specific times each day, but then scramble to put out content that even remotely matches the theme of what their account represents. Taif says, “If you read something that hits you, post it. If it doesn’t affect you, then don’t.” 

#5 – In this chapter, one can learn about the value of creating shoutgroups with other relevant accounts in their niche. 

The book details a case study with IG: millionaire.empire (https://www.instagram.com/millionaire.empire/)who took their 64k follower account and created extraordinary value by combining with 9 other accounts including @tailoredmotives (http://www.instagram.com/tailoredmotives) (120k followers) in the luxury/motivation/business space for a total reach of over 1.1 million followers

To further understand how to monetize IG, check out my former Huffington Post article (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/5-steps-to-making-money-o_b_9353214) on the 5 proven steps to making money on Instagram.